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The hydrogen business

The hydrogen business is rapidly gaining attention as a potential solution to the world’s energy and climate challenges. As the demand for clean energy sources increases, investors are turning to the hydrogen industry in hopes of finding profitable opportunities.

Some of the biggest investors in the hydrogen industry include oil and gas companies, such as Royal Dutch Shell and Total, as well as major car manufacturers like Toyota and Hyundai. These companies see hydrogen as a potential replacement for fossil fuels in transportation and power generation.

Countries around the world are also investing in the hydrogen industry, with governments providing funding and incentives to support research and development, as well as infrastructure projects. For example, the European Union has set a target to produce at least 40 GW of hydrogen by 2030, as part of their “Green Deal” plan to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. Japan has also set a target of achieving a hydrogen society by 2050, with a goal of producing 3 million hydrogen fuel cell vehicles by that date.

The hydrogen industry is also seen as an opportunity for countries in North Africa to raise funds and create jobs. Countries like Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and Egypt have abundant sunshine and wind resources, which can be used to produce clean hydrogen through electrolysis. These countries can also use their existing natural gas resources to produce “blue” hydrogen, which is created by capturing and storing the carbon dioxide emissions from the production process.

To reach their goals, these countries should follow a strategic approach that includes:

  • Building the necessary infrastructure for hydrogen production and transportation,
  • Developing policies to support the growth of the hydrogen industry,
  • Investing in research and development and innovation,
  • Offering tax incentives for companies working on hydrogen projects,
  • Setting regulations to support the growth of the hydrogen market, and
  • Encouraging private investment and public-private partnerships.

Some of these countries are already making steps to take their place in the hydrogen industry. For example , Morocco has already taken steps towards implementing the green hydrogen industry by announcing plans to construct the world’s largest solar-powered hydrogen production facility, which will have a capacity of 1 GW.

The hydrogen industry presents a significant opportunity for countries around the world to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and create new jobs. With the support of governments and private sector investors, the hydrogen industry has the potential to play a major role in the transition to a cleaner, more sustainable energy future.